Open Source License Disclaimer

Our product, Concierto, includes certain open-source software components that are licensed under various open-source licenses. We respect the intellectual property rights of the open-source community and acknowledge the contributions made by the developers of these open-source projects. All open-source software is provided “AS IS” and without any warranty. Concierto currently uses, but is not limited to, the following open-source software sources; more information on the terms of these licenses is set forth, below.

Below is a list of the open-source software from the open-source library utilized within our product, along with their respective licenses. Each of these licenses is subject to its own terms and conditions, which may impose obligations or grant rights beyond those typically provided under proprietary software licenses. These terms are fully applicable to the use of those portions of the Concierto that consist of or are derived from the open-source software. You can review the full text of these open-source licenses by following the links provided below:

Concierto Migrate

License Name URL
BSD-3-Clause The 3-Clause BSD License
Apache2 Apache License, Version 2.0
MIT The MIT License
CC01 Legal Code - CC0 1.0 Universal
Public Domain Public Domain
0BSD Zero-Clause BSD
zlib The zlib/libpng License
Artistic License 2.0 Artistic License
2-Clause BSD The 2-Clause BSD License
AFL 2.1 Academic Free License v2.1
AFL 1.2 Academic Free License v1.2
UNICODE Unicode, Inc. License Agreement
Beerware Beerware License
EUPL 1.1 The European Union Public License, version 1.1
EUDatagrid EU DataGrid Software License
Tmate TMate Open Source License
WTFPL Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License

Concierto Manage

License Name URL
BSD-3-Clause The 3-Clause BSD License
Apache2 Apache License, Version 2.0
MIT The MIT License
CC01 Legal Code - CC0 1.0 Universal
Public Domain Public Domain
0BSD Zero-Clause BSD
zlib The zlib/libpng License
Artistic License 2.0 Artistic License
2-Clause BSD The 2-Clause BSD License
AFL 2.1 Academic Free License v2.1
AFL 1.2 Academic Free License v1.2
UNICODE Unicode, Inc. License Agreement
Beerware Beerware License
EUPL 1.1 The European Union Public License, version 1.1
EUDatagrid EU DataGrid Software License
Tmate TMate Open Source License
WTFPL Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
SGIB2 SGI Free Software License B v2.0
LAL1.3 Licence Art Libre 1.3

Concierto Maximize

License Name URL
BSD-3-Clause The 3-Clause BSD License
Apache2 Apache License, Version 2.0
MIT The MIT License
CC01 Legal Code - CC0 1.0 Universal
Public Domain Public Domain
0BSD Zero-Clause BSD
Artistic License 2.0 Artistic License
2-Clause BSD The 2-Clause BSD License
ZPL2.0 Zope Public License 2.0

By using our product, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions of these open-source licenses. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the open-source components used in our product, please feel free to connect at Contact Us.

Important Notice: While we have made every effort to ensure that we comply with all applicable open-source license requirements, we recommend that you review the terms of each license carefully. This disclaimer is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

This disclaimer is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.


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